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The Perpetrator Who Forced His Younger Sibling In Tolitoli Faces A Maximum Sentence Of 15 Years In Prison

the perpetrator who forced his younger sibling in tolitoli faces a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison 8784429

KILASRAKYAT.COM, – AN (22), a resident of Galang District, Regency, Central (Central ) had the heart to force his own younger sibling.

AN was finally arrested by the Tolitoli Police, Saturday (16/12/2023) to be held accountable for his actions.


For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 82 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 76E of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection with the threat of a minimum sentence of 5 years and a maximum of 15 years in prison and a fine of 5 billion.

The immoral act occurred on Tuesday (2/12/2023) at around 23.00 WITA.

According to the Head of Public Relations of the Tolitoli Police, Inspector Budi Atmojo, the incident occurred while the victim and perpetrator were sleeping at their parents' house.

The perpetrator suddenly entered the victim's room and covered the victim's face with a pillow.

The victim resisted, but her brother forced her to have sexual intercourse.

After forcing the victim, the perpetrator left his younger brother crying.

“The perpetrator was arrested on December 16 2023,” said Inspector Budi Atmojo, Thursday (28/12/2023).

The police confiscated evidence in the form of black clothes and black and blue trousers.

The police also confiscated the victim's underwear.

Meanwhile in Pontianak, a teacher with the initials E was named a suspect in an immoral case against a high school student until the student was 7 months pregnant.

E has been detained at the Pontinak Police Station since Saturday 23 December 2023.

The Pontianak Police Chief, through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Pontianak Police, Commissioner Tri Prasetyo, said that during the initial examination, suspect E denied having had sexual intercourse with the victim.

However, after a series of investigations, the suspect finally admitted his actions.

“With the available evidence, we conveyed it to the suspect, finally the suspect admitted his actions, and the suspect's confession matched the victim's statement,” said Police Commissioner Tri Prasetyo, Tuesday (26/12/2023).

For his actions, the suspect was charged with multiple articles.

Namely, article 81, paragraphs 1 and 3 of Law 17 of 2016 concerning child protection are overlaid with article 6 letter C, article 5 letters A and G of Law number 12 of 2022 concerning criminal acts of sexual violence, with a minimum penalty of 5 years, a maximum of 15 year.

It is known that the victim is 17 years old and is currently studying at a high school in Pontianak.

The victim was sexually assaulted by the perpetrator when he was in grade 9 of junior high school.

The perpetrator's depraved actions were carried out around May 2023.

The method is that the perpetrator invites the victim to get to know each other using a fake Instagram account.

After meeting the victim, he was invited to eat and forcibly taken to a hotel in Pontianak.

It was there that the victim was forced by the perpetrator twice on the same day until she became pregnant.

Police Commissioner Tri explained that in child criminal cases, especially sexual relations with minors, Restorative Justice (RJ) cannot be implemented.

“In the Restorative Justice police, what is regulated in the police is very broad, but if we look at the norms regarding cases of sexual violence against minors, that is not permissible. If currently we suspect suspects under the TPKS Law (criminal sexual violence), where in TPKS cannot be carried out by RJ,” he explained.

This article was published on with the title Youth Has the Force to Rude His Siblings in Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi, Police Reward Child Protection Article